My sister and I had this Charlie Brown ice cream maker where you had to put ice in the middle of this closed tin and then pour flavored milk on the outside of it for it to freeze. We never could wait and ended up drinking the worst milkshakes ever all the time.
On Friday nights, I'd fill a laundry basket with extra blankets and leave it at the top of the stairs so I could keep up with my ritual of riding down the steps as fast as possible on Saturday mornings.
I once fell asleep while I was hiding in a clothing rack at the mall. This lady woke me up by poking me with a hanger that had a teal track suit on it and told me that I was drooling on the merchandise.
Whenever my mom took me out with her, I always had to wear one of those child leashes because I was known to wander off. She later took the leash off because she was embarrassed of me crawling around and barking like a dog.
My favorite thing to do in the winter was to stick my comforter in the dryer for a few minutes and run to my bed asap to fall asleep in a warm laundry hug.